PBL(Project-/Product-based Learning)で国際的に有名なStanford大学Mechanical Engineering DepartmentのLarry Leifer教授を招聘して、先進的工学教育講演会シリーズの第2回公開シンポジウムを以下の要領で開催します。Leifer教授の最先端の講義に直に触れることのできる絶好の機会であり、是非ご参加いただければ幸いです。
日時: 11月15日 (火) 1:00−5:00pm
場所: 東京大学 理学部1号館(本郷キャンパス)小柴ホール
参加費: 無料
1:30-1:45: 開会と趣旨 Opening and Introduction: 藤原工学教育推進機構長
「先端的PBLにおける最新動向について−スタンフォード・ウェイ−」 ("Design-Thinking Transforms Product-Based-Learning from Problem Solving to Opportunity Discovery")
Professor Larry Leifer, StanfordUniversity
1:45-2:30: 第1部 Keynote Part 1
(2:30-2:45:休憩 Short break)
2:45-3:30: 第2部 Keynote Part 2
3:30-3:50:講演1 「機械系三学科におけるPBL教育」
3:50-4:10:講演2 「システム創成学科におけるPBL教育」
4:10-4:30:講演3 「1‐2年次における“もの作り実験”について」
4:40-5:00:質疑応答 Q&A session
注) 本シンポジウムは、ビデオ収録を行いますので予めご了承の上、ご参加ください。
Keynote Title
"Design-Thinking Transforms Product-Based-Learning from Problem Solving to Opportunity Discovery"
Keynote Abstract
"Design-Thinking" is an emerging intellectual discipline that focuses on how people create alternative futures.It is both familiar, and seemingly new to higher education and corporate knowledge management.It is especially relevant to new technology management.Its academic roots go back to product and project based learning (PBL) in which small teams of students (under faculty guidance) learn by posing and answering their own questions when challenged by "open-ended problem scenarios.
In this presentation, I will review empirical findings from the "Design-Thinking Research" literature and illustrate PBL activity through cases drawn from my Graduate Laboratory-Course, ME310 "Global Team-Based Design Innovation with Corporate Partners."
In the second half of the presentation, I will draw attention to the important role of "design-culture coaches" as adjunct members of the global product innovation team.Again, cases from our work with industry partners will be used for illustration (including video).I will also share data from 1st year student's use of wiki based "idealogs."They offer some compelling (promising) evidence that this kind of reflective activity has a positive impact on student's awareness about what has been learned in PBL scenarios".
Key Words
PBL, product, project, learning, teams, design-thinking, idealogs, wiki, reflection, coaching
連 携 行 事
主題 : 「Project Based Learning を通したマーケット創造」
講師と題目:(1)「Design for Wellbeingとマーケット創造」 ProfessorLarryLeifer, Stanford University
(2)「マーケット創造に役立つPBL」 福田収一教授 首都大学東京
Keynote Title
"Market Discovery through Product-Based-Learning and Design-for-Wellbeing "
Keynote Abstract
There is a growing need for engineering designers to engage in creative activities that result in innovative products and technologies for the benefit of society. However, from an engineering perspective, issues of 'life quality' are rarely give top-priority, particularly with regard to people with disabilities. This presentation argues that both needs and solutions are now part of the engineering designer's responsibility, and that it is crucial to make a qualitative assessment of both the potential market impact and the 'quality of life' improvements afforded by innovations.Design for Wellbeing offers a perspective on life quality that goes beyond the traditional scope of assistive technology in that it aims to help people make a transformation from an actual state of being to a desired state of being - regardless of ability level.
Product-based-learning scenarios are demonstrably powerful protocols for exploring the innovation space.Borrowing on a time tested ideation method from IDEO Product Development, I will walk the audience through the kinds of thinking and activity that can identify innovation requirements and then develop an transition plane to move from vaguely perceived opportunities to precision innovation paths within established competency frameworks.
Key Words
Market, discovery, Design for Wellbeing, human-centered-design, product innovation, collaborative design, design education, design learning, global team-innovation, IDEO
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東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 工学教育推進機構 (教育プロジェクト室担当)
Email: regist-esp@t-adm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
To: regist-esp@t-adm.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
11月15日 CIEE 先進的工学教育講演会 第2回 参加申込書
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